§ 7B‑1203. Alternativeplans.
A district court districtshall be granted a waiver from the implementation of a local program if theAdministrative Office of the Courts determines that the following conditionsare met:
(1) An alternative planhas been developed to provide adequate guardian ad litem services for everyjuvenile consistent with the duties stated in G.S. 7B‑601; and
(2) The proposedalternative plan will require no greater proportion of State funds than thedistrict court district's abuse and neglect caseload represents to the State'sabuse and neglect caseload. Computation of abuse and neglect caseloads shallinclude such factors as the juvenile population, number of substantiated abuseand neglect reports, number of abuse and neglect petitions, number of abusedand neglected juveniles in care to be reviewed pursuant to G.S. 7B‑906,nature of the district's district court caseload, and number of petitions toterminate parental rights.
When an alternative plan isapproved pursuant to this section, the Administrative Office of the Courtsshall retain authority to monitor implementation of the said plan in order toassure compliance with the requirements of this Article and G.S. 7B‑601.In any district court district where the Administrative Office of the Courtsdetermines that implementation of an alternative plan is not in compliance withthe requirements of this section, the Administrative Office of the Courts mayimplement and administer a program authorized by this Article. (1983,c. 761, s. 160; 1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 1037, s. 35; 1998‑202, s. 6.)