§ 7B‑1302. Children'sTrust Fund.
(a) There isestablished a fund to be known as the "Children's Trust Fund," in theDepartment of State Treasurer, which shall be funded by a portion of themarriage license fee under G.S. 161‑11.1 and a portion of the speciallicense plate fee under G.S. 20‑81.12. The money in the Fund shall beused by the Division of Social Services to fund abuse and neglect preventionprograms so authorized by this Article.
(b) The Department ofHealth and Human Services shall report annually on revenues and expenditures ofthe Children's Trust Fund to the Joint Legislative Commission on GovernmentalOperations. (1983,c. 894, s. 1; 1998‑202, s. 6; 1999‑277, s. 5; 2004‑124, s.7.33(b); 2009‑451, s. 10.43(c).)