§ 7B‑1409. CommunityChild Protection Teams; duties of the director of the county department ofsocial services.
In addition to any otherduties as a member of the Community Child Protection Team, and in connectionwith the reviews under G.S. 7B‑1406(a)(1), the director of the countydepartment of social services shall:
(1) Assure thedevelopment of written operating procedures in connection with these reviews,including frequency of meetings, confidentiality policies, training of members,and duties and responsibilities of members;
(2) Assure that the Teamdefines the categories of cases that are subject to its review;
(3) Determine andinitiate the cases for review;
(4) Bring for review anycase requested by a Team member;
(5) Provide staffsupport for these reviews;
(6) Maintain records,including minutes of all official meetings, lists of participants for eachmeeting of the Team, and signed confidentiality statements required under G.S.7B‑1413, in compliance with applicable rules and law; and
(7) Report quarterly tothe county board of social services, or as required by the board, on theactivities of the Team. (1993, c. 321, s. 285(a); 1998‑202, s. 6.)