§ 7B‑3001. Otherrecords relating to juveniles.
(a) The chief courtcounselor shall maintain a record of all cases of juveniles under supervisionof juvenile court counselors, to be known as the juvenile court counselor'srecord. The juvenile court counselor's record shall include family backgroundinformation; reports of social, medical, psychiatric, or psychologicalinformation concerning a juvenile or the juvenile's family; probation reports;interviews with the juvenile's family; or other information the court findsshould be protected from public inspection in the best interests of thejuvenile.
(b) Unless jurisdictionof the juvenile has been transferred to superior court, all law enforcementrecords and files concerning a juvenile shall be kept separate from the recordsand files of adults and shall be withheld from public inspection. The followingpersons may examine and obtain copies of law enforcement records and filesconcerning a juvenile without an order of the court:
(1) The juvenile or thejuvenile's attorney;
(2) The juvenile'sparent, guardian, custodian, or the authorized representative of the juvenile'sparent, guardian, or custodian;
(3) The prosecutor;
(4) Juvenile courtcounselors; and
(5) Law enforcementofficers sworn in this State.
Otherwise, the records and filesmay be examined or copied only by order of the court.
(c) All records andfiles maintained by the Department pursuant to this Chapter shall be withheldfrom public inspection. The following persons may examine and obtain copies ofthe Department records and files concerning a juvenile without an order of thecourt:
(1) The juvenile and thejuvenile's attorney;
(2) The juvenile'sparent, guardian, custodian, or the authorized representative of the juvenile'sparent, guardian, or custodian;
(3) Professionals in theagency who are directly involved in the juvenile's case; and
(4) Juvenile courtcounselors.
Otherwise, the records and filesmay be examined or copied only by order of the court. The court may inspect andorder the release of records maintained by the Department.
(d) When the Divisionof Community Corrections of the Department of Correction is authorized toaccess a juvenile record pursuant to G.S. 7B‑3000(e1), the Departmentmay, at the request of the Division of Community Corrections, notify theDivision of Community Corrections that there is a juvenile record of anadjudication of delinquency for an offense that would be a felony if committedby an adult for a person subject to probation supervision under Article 82 ofChapter 15A of the General Statutes and may notify the Division of CommunityCorrections of the county or counties where the adjudication of delinquencyoccurred. (1979,c. 815, s. 1; 1987, c. 297; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 7, s. 1; 1995, c. 462, s. 4; c.509, s. 5; 1997‑459, s. 2; 1998‑202, s. 6; 2000‑137, s. 3;2001‑490, s. 2.32; 2009‑372, s. 2; 2009‑545, s. 3.)