§ 7B‑905. Dispositionalorder.
(a) The dispositionalorder shall be in writing, signed, and entered no later than 30 days from thecompletion of the hearing, and shall contain appropriate findings of fact andconclusions of law. The court shall state with particularity, both orally andin the written order of disposition, the precise terms of the dispositionincluding the kind, duration, and the person who is responsible for carryingout the disposition and the person or agency in whom custody is vested.
(b) A dispositionalorder under which a juvenile is removed from the custody of a parent, guardian,custodian, or caretaker shall direct that the review hearing required by G.S.7B‑906 be held within 90 days from of the date of the dispositionalhearing and, if practicable, shall set the date and time for the reviewhearing.
(c) Any dispositionalorder shall comply with the requirements of G.S. 7B‑507. Anydispositional order under which a juvenile is removed from the custody of aparent, guardian, custodian, or caretaker, or under which the juvenile'splacement is continued outside the home shall provide for appropriatevisitation as may be in the best interests of the juvenile and consistent withthe juvenile's health and safety. If the juvenile is placed in the custody orplacement responsibility of a county department of social services, the courtmay order the director to arrange, facilitate, and supervise a visitation planexpressly approved by the court. If the director subsequently makes a goodfaith determination that the visitation plan may not be in the best interestsof the juvenile or consistent with the juvenile's health and safety, thedirector may temporarily suspend all or part of the visitation plan. Thedirector shall not be subjected to any motion to show cause for thissuspension, but shall expeditiously file a motion for review.
(d) When a countydepartment of social services having custody or placement responsibility of ajuvenile intends to change the juvenile's placement, the department shall givethe guardian ad litem for the juvenile notice of its intention unless precludedby emergency circumstances from doing so. Where emergency circumstances exist,the department of social services shall notify the guardian ad litem or theattorney advocate within 72 hours of the placement change, unless local rulesrequire notification within a shorter time period. (1979, c. 815, s. 1; 1987(Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 1090, s. 10; 1991, c. 434, s. 1; 1997‑390, s. 8;1998‑202, s. 6; 1998‑229, s. 24; 1999‑456, s. 60; 2001‑208,ss. 4, 18; 2001‑487, s. 101; 2005‑398, s. 5.)