§ 7B‑910. Review ofvoluntary foster care placements.
(a) The court shallreview the placement of any juvenile in foster care made pursuant to avoluntary agreement between the juvenile's parents or guardian and a countydepartment of social services and shall make findings from evidence presentedat a review hearing with regard to:
(1) The voluntariness ofthe placement;
(2) The appropriatenessof the placement;
(3) Whether theplacement is in the best interests of the juvenile; and
(4) The services that havebeen or should be provided to the parents, guardian, foster parents, andjuvenile, as the case may be, either (i) to improve the placement or (ii) toeliminate the need for the placement.
(b) The court mayapprove the continued placement of the juvenile in foster care on a voluntaryagreement basis, disapprove the continuation of the voluntary placement, ordirect the department of social services to petition the court for legalcustody if the placement is to continue.
(c) An initial reviewhearing shall be held not more than 90 days after the juvenile's placement andshall be calendared by the clerk for hearing within such period upon timelyrequest by the director of social services. An additional review hearing shallbe held 90 days thereafter and any review hearings at such times as the courtshall deem appropriate and shall direct, either upon its own motion or uponwritten request of the parents, guardian, foster parents, or director of socialservices. A juvenile placed under a voluntary agreement between the juvenile'sparent or guardian and the county department of social services shall notremain in placement more than six months without the filing of a petitionalleging abuse, neglect, or dependency.
(d) The clerk shallgive at least 15 days' advance written notice of the initial and subsequentreview hearings to the parents or guardian of the juvenile, to the juvenile if12 or more years of age, to the director of social services, and to any otherpersons whom the court may specify. (1983, c. 607, s. 2; 1993, c. 537, s. 4; 1995, c. 457,s. 6; 1998‑202, s. 6; 1999‑456, s. 60; 2001‑208, s. 21; 2001‑487,s. 101.)