§ 8‑48. Clark'sCalendar; proof of dates.
(a) In any controversyor inquiry in any court or before any fact finding board, commission,administrative agency or other body, where it becomes necessary or pertinent todetermine any information which may be established by reference to a calendarfor any year between the years 1753 A.D. and 2002 A.D., inclusive, it ispermissible to introduce in evidence "Clark's Calendar, a CalendarCovering 250 Years, 1753 A.D. to 2002 A.D.," as supplemented, copyrighted,1940, by E. B. Clark, Entry: Class AA, Number 328,573, Copyright Office of theUnited States of America, Washington, or any reprint of the 1940 editioncertified by the Secretary of State to be an accurate copy of it, and thecalendar or reprint, when so introduced, shall be prima facie evidence that theinformation disclosed by the calendar or reprint is true and correct.
(b) The Secretary ofState shall prepare and publish a perpetual calendar similar to Clark'sCalendar covering years beginning with 2003 A.D. The perpetual calendarpublished by the Secretary of State shall be admissible in evidence to the samedegree and in the same manner as Clark's Calendar for years beginning with2003. (1941, c. 312; 1997‑58, s. 1.)