§ 83A‑1. Definitions.
When used in this Chapter,unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Architect"means a person who is duly licensed to practice architecture.
(2) "Board"means the North Carolina Board of Architecture.
(3) "Corporatecertificate" means a certificate of corporate registration issued by theBoard recognizing the corporation named in the certificate as meeting therequirements for the corporate practice of architecture.
(4) "Corporatepractice of architecture" means "practice" as defined in G.S.83A‑1(7) by a corporation which is organized or domesticated in thisState, and which holds a current "corporate certificate" from thisBoard.
(5) "Good moralcharacter" means such character as tends to assure the faithful dischargeof the fiduciary duties of an architect to his client. Evidence of lack ofsuch character shall include the willful commission of an offense justifyingdiscipline under this Chapter, the practice of architecture in violation ofthis Chapter, or of the laws of another jurisdiction, or the conviction of afelony.
(6) "License"means a certificate of registration issued by the Board recognizing theindividual named in the certificate as meeting the requirements forregistration under this Chapter.
(7) "Practice ofarchitecture" means performing or offering to perform or holding oneselfout as legally qualified to perform professional services in connection withthe design, construction, enlargement or alteration of buildings, includingconsultations, investigations, evaluations, preliminary studies, thepreparation of plans, specifications and contract documents, administration ofconstruction contracts and related services or combination of services inconnection with the design and construction of buildings, regardless of whetherthese services are performed in person or as the directing head of an office ororganization. (1915, c. 270, s. 9; C.S., s. 4985; 1941, c. 369, s.3; 1951, c. 1130, s. 1; 1957, c. 794, ss. 1, 2; 1979, c. 871, s. 1.)