§83A‑2. North Carolina Board of Architecture; creation; appointment,terms and oath of members; vacancies; officers; bond of treasurer; notice ofmeetings; quorum.
(a) The North CarolinaBoard of Architecture shall have the power and responsibility to administer theprovisions of this Chapter in compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act.
(b) The Board shallconsist of seven members appointed by the Governor. Five of the members of theBoard shall be licensed architects appointed for five year terms; the termsshall be staggered so that the term of one architect member expires each year.No architect member shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms; if a vacancy occurs during a term, the Governor shall appoint a personto fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term. Two of the membersof the Board shall be persons who are not licensed architects and who representthe interest of the public at large; the Governor shall appoint these membersnot later than July 1, 1979. The public members shall have full voting powersand shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. Each Board member shall filewith the Secretary of State an oath faithfully to perform duties as a member ofthe Board, and to uphold the Constitution of North Carolina and theConstitution of the United States.
(c) Officers of theBoard shall include a president, vice‑president, secretary and treasurerelected at the annual meeting for terms of one year. The treasurer shall givebond in such sum as the Board shall determine, with such security as shall beapproved by the Board, said bond to be conditioned for the faithfulperformance of the duties of his office and for the faithful accounting of allmoneys and other property as shall come into his hands. Notice of the annualmeeting, and the time and place of the annual meeting shall be given eachmember by letter at least 10 days prior to such meeting and public notice ofannual meetings shall be published at least once each week for two weekspreceding such meetings in one or more newspapers of general circulation inthis State. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. (1915,c. 270, ss. 1, 2; C.S., ss. 4986‑4988, 4990; 1957, c. 794, ss. 3, 4, 6;1979, c. 871, s. 1.)