§83A‑5. Board records; rosters; seal.
(a) The Board shallmaintain records of board meetings, of applications for individual orcorporate registration and the action taken thereon, of the results ofexaminations, of all disciplinary proceedings, and of such other information asdeemed necessary by the Board or required by the Administrative Procedure Actor other provisions of the General Statutes.
(b) A complete rostershowing the name and last known address of all resident and nonresidentarchitects and architectural firms holding current licenses from the Boardshall be published by the Board at least once each year, and shall include eachregistrant's authorization or registration number. Copies of the roster shallbe filed with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General, and other applicable State or local agencies, and upon request, may be distributed orsold to the public.
(c) The Board shalladopt a seal containing the name of the Board for use on its official recordsand reports. (1915, c. 270, ss. 1, 5; C.S., ss. 4989, 4991; 1957,c. 794, s. 5; 1979, c. 871, s. 1.)