§ 84‑16. Membership andprivileges.
The membership of the NorthCarolina State Bar shall consist of two classes, active and inactive.
The active members shall beall persons who have obtained a license or certificate, entitling them topractice law in the State of North Carolina, who have paid the membership duesspecified, and who have satisfied all other obligations of membership. Noperson other than a member of the North Carolina State Bar shall practice inany court of the State except foreign attorneys as provided by statute andnatural persons representing themselves.
Inactive members shall be:
(1) All persons who haveobtained a license to practice law in the State but who have been found by theCouncil to be not engaged in the practice of law and not holding themselves outas practicing attorneys and not occupying any public or private positions inwhich they may be called upon to give legal advice or counsel or to examine thelaw or to pass upon, adjudicate, or offer an opinion concerning the legaleffect of any act, document, or law.
(2) Persons allowed bythe Council solely to represent indigent clients on a pro bono basis under thesupervision of an active member employed by a nonprofit corporation qualifiedto render legal services pursuant to G.S. 84‑5.1.
All active members shall berequired to pay annual membership fees, and shall have the right to vote inelections held by the district bar in the judicial district in which the memberresides. If a member desires to vote with the bar of some district in which themember practices, other than that in which the member resides, the member maydo so by filing with the Secretary of the North Carolina State Bar a statementin writing that the member desires to vote in the other district; provided, however,that in no case shall the member be entitled to vote in more than one district.(1933, c. 210,s. 2; 1939, c. 21, s. 1; 1941, c. 344, ss. 1, 2, 3; 1969, c. 44, s. 60; c.1190, s. 52; 1973, c. 1152, s. 1; 1981, c. 788, s. 2; 1983, c. 589, s. 1; 1985,c. 621; 1995, c. 431, s. 8; 2007‑200, s. 1.)