§ 84‑20. Compensationof councilors.
The members of the Council andmembers of committees when actually engaged in the performance of their duties,including committees sitting upon disbarment proceedings, shall receive ascompensation for the time spent in attending meetings an amount to bedetermined by the Council, subject to approval of the North Carolina SupremeCourt, and shall receive actual expenses of travel and subsistence whileengaged in their duties provided that for transportation by use of privateautomobile the expense of travel shall not exceed the business standard mileagerate set by the Internal Revenue Service per mile of travel. The Council shalldetermine per diem and mileage to be paid. The allowance fixed by the Councilshall be paid by the secretary‑treasurer of the North Carolina State Barupon presentation of appropriate documentation by each member. (1933, c. 210, s. 6; 1935, c.34; 1953, c. 1310, s. 2; 1971, c. 13, s. 1; 1995, c. 431, s. 13; 2006‑66,s. 22.23; 2006‑221, s. 24.)