§ 84‑34. Membershipfees and list of members.
Every active member of theNorth Carolina State Bar shall, prior to the first day of July of each year,pay to the secretary‑treasurer an annual membership fee in an amountdetermined by the Council but not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300.00),plus a surcharge of fifty dollars ($50.00) for the implementation of Article22D of Chapter 163 of the General Statutes, and every member shall notify thesecretary‑treasurer of the member's correct mailing address. Any memberwho fails to pay the required dues by the last day of June of each year shallbe subject to a late fee in an amount determined by the Council but not toexceed thirty dollars ($30.00). All dues for prior years shall be as were setforth in the General Statutes then in effect. The membership fee shall beregarded as a service charge for the maintenance of the several servicesauthorized by this Article, and shall be in addition to all fees required inconnection with admissions to practice, and in addition to all license taxesrequired by law. The fee shall not be prorated: Provided, that no fee shall berequired of an attorney licensed after this Article shall have gone into effectuntil the first day of January of the calendar year following that in which theattorney was licensed; but this proviso shall not apply to attorneys from otherstates admitted on certificate. The fees shall be disbursed by the secretary‑treasureron the order of the Council. The fifty‑dollar ($50.00) surcharge shall besent on a monthly schedule to the State Board of Elections. The secretary‑treasurershall annually, at a time and in a law magazine or daily newspaper to beprescribed by the Council, publish an account of the financial transactions ofthe Council in a form to be prescribed by it. The secretary‑treasurershall compile and keep currently correct from the names and mailing addressesforwarded to the secretary‑treasurer and from any other available sourcesof information a list of members of the North Carolina State Bar and furnish tothe clerk of the superior court in each county, not later than the first day ofOctober in each year, a list showing the name and address of each attorney forthat county who has not complied with the provisions of this Article. The nameof each of the active members who are in arrears in the payment of membershipfees shall be furnished to the presiding judge at the next term of the superiorcourt after the first day of October of each year, by the clerk of the superiorcourt of each county wherein the member or members reside, and the court shallthereupon take action that is necessary and proper. The names and addresses ofattorneys so certified shall be kept available to the public. The Secretary ofRevenue is hereby directed to supply the secretary‑treasurer, fromrecords of license tax payments, with any information for which the secretary‑treasurermay call in order to enable the secretary‑treasurer to comply with thisrequirement.
The list submitted to severalclerks of the superior court shall also be submitted to the Council at itsOctober meeting of each year and it shall take the action thereon that isnecessary and proper. (1933, c. 210, s. 17; 1939, c. 21, ss. 2, 3; 1953, c. 1310, s. 5; 1955,c. 651, s. 4; 1961, c. 760; 1971, c. 18; 1973, c. 476, s. 193; c. 1152, s. 4;1977, c. 841, s. 2; 1981, c. 788, s. 5; 1989, c. 172, s. 1; 1995, c. 431, s.25; 2005‑237, s. 2; 2005‑276, s. 23A.1(a).)