§84‑4. Persons other than members of State Bar prohibited from practicinglaw.
Except as otherwise permittedby law, it shall be unlawful for any person or association of persons, exceptactive members of the Bar of the State of North Carolina admitted and licensedto practice as attorneys‑at‑law, to appear as attorney or counselorat law in any action or proceeding before any judicial body, including theNorth Carolina Industrial Commission, or the Utilities Commission; to maintain,conduct, or defend the same, except in his own behalf as a party thereto; or,by word, sign, letter, or advertisement, to hold out himself, or themselves, ascompetent or qualified to give legal advice or counsel, or to prepare legaldocuments, or as being engaged in advising or counseling in law or acting asattorney or counselor‑at‑law, or in furnishing the services of alawyer or lawyers; and it shall be unlawful for any person or association ofpersons except active members of the Bar, for or without a fee orconsideration, to give legal advice or counsel, perform for or furnish toanother legal services, or to prepare directly or through another for anotherperson, firm or corporation, any will or testamentary disposition, orinstrument of trust, or to organize corporations or prepare for another person,firm or corporation, any other legal document. Provided, that nothing hereinshall prohibit any person from drawing a will for another in an emergencywherein the imminence of death leaves insufficient time to have the same drawnand its execution supervised by a licensed attorney‑at‑law. Theprovisions of this section shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any otherprovisions of this Chapter. Provided, however, this section shall not apply tocorporations authorized to practice law under the provisions of Chapter 55B ofthe General Statutes of North Carolina. (1931, c. 157, s. 1; 1937, c.155, s. 1; 1955, c. 526, s. 1; 1969, c. 718, s. 19; 1981, c. 762, s. 3; 1995,c. 431, s. 4.)