§ 84‑8. Punishment forviolations; legal clinics of law schools and certain law students and lawyersexcepted.
Any person, corporation, orassociation of persons violating the provisions of G.S. 84‑4 to G.S. 84‑7shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. The provisions of G.S. 84‑4 toG.S. 84‑7 shall not apply to the following:
(1) Any law schoolconducting a legal clinic and receiving as its clientage only those personsunable financially to compensate for legal advice or services rendered and anylaw student permitted by the North Carolina State Bar to act as a legal internin such a legal clinic.
(2) Any law studentpermitted by the North Carolina State Bar to act as a legal intern for afederal, state, or local government agency.
(3) Any lawyer licensedby another state and permitted by the North Carolina State Bar to representindigent clients on a pro bono basis under the supervision of active membersemployed by nonprofit corporations qualified to render legal services pursuantto G.S. 84‑5.1. This provision does not apply to a lawyer whose licensehas been suspended or revoked in any state. (1931, c. 157, s. 5; c. 347; 1993, c. 539, s. 597;1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 2007‑200, s. 3.)