§ 86A‑15. Sanitaryrules and regulations; inspections.
(a) Each barber andeach owner or manager of a barbershop, barber school or college, or any otherplace where barber service is rendered, shall comply with the followingsanitary rules and regulations:
(1) Proper quarters.
a. Every barbershop, orother place where barber service is rendered, shall be located in buildings orrooms of such construction that they may be easily cleaned, well lighted, wellventilated and kept in an orderly and sanitary condition.
b. Each area wherebarber service is rendered or where a combination of barber service andcosmetology service is rendered shall be separated by a substantial partitionor wall from areas used for purposes other than barber services, cosmetology services,or shoe shining services.
c. Walls, floor andfixtures where barber service is rendered are to be kept sanitary.
d. Running water, hotand cold, shall be provided, and sinks shall be located at a convenient placein each barbershop so that barbers may wash their hands after each haircut.Tanks and lavatories shall be of such construction that they may be easilycleaned. The lavatory must have a drain pipe to drain all waste water out ofthe building.
e. Every barbershop orother place where barber service is rendered, and every building or structureused as a part of a barber school, shall comply with applicable building andfire codes and regulations.
(2) Equipment andinstruments.
a. Each person servingas a barber shall, immediately before using razors, tweezers, combs, contactcup or pad, sterilize the instruments by immersing them in a solution of fiftypercent (50%) alcohol, five percent (5%) carbolic acid, twenty percent (20%)formaldehyde, or ten percent (10%) lysol or other product or solution that theBoard may approve. Every owner or manager of a barbershop shall supply aseparate container for the use of each barber, adequate to provide for asufficient supply of the above solutions.
b. Each barber shallmaintain combs and hair brushes in a clean and sanitary condition at all timesand shall thoroughly clean mug and lather brush before each separate use.
c. The headrest ofevery barber chair shall be protected with clean paper or a clean launderedtowel. Each barber chair shall be covered with a smooth nonporous surface, suchas vinyl or leather, that is cleaned easily.
d. Every person servingas a barber shall use a clean towel for each patron. All clean towels shall beplaced in closed cabinets until used. Receptacles composed of material that canbe washed and cleansed shall be provided to receive used towels, and all usedtowels must be placed in receptacles until laundered. Towels shall not beplaced in a sterilizer or tank or rinsed in the barbershop. All wet and usedtowels shall be removed from the workstand or lavatory after serving eachpatron.
e. Whenever a haircloth is used in cutting the hair, shampooing, etc., a newly laundered towel orpaper neckstrap shall be placed around the patron's neck so as to prevent thehair cloth from touching the skin. Hair cloths shall be replaced when soiled.
(3) Barbers.
a. Every person servingas a barber shall thoroughly cleanse his or her hands immediately beforeserving each patron.
b. Each person workingas a barber shall be clean both as to person and dress.
c. No barber shallserve any person who has an infectious or communicable disease, and no barbershall undertake to treat any patron's infectious or contagious disease.
(4) Any person, otherthan a registered barber, shall before undertaking to give shampoos in abarbershop furnish the Board with a health certificate on a form provided bythe Board.
(5) The owner or managerof a barbershop or any other place where barber service is rendered shall posta copy of these rules and regulations in a conspicuous place in the shop orother place where the services are rendered.
(b) All barbershops,barber schools and colleges, and any other place where barber service isrendered, shall be open for inspection at all times during business hours toany members of the Board of Barber Examiners or its agents or assistants. Acopy of the sanitary rules and regulations set out in this section shall befurnished by the Board to the owner or manager of each barbershop or barberschool, or any other place where barber service is rendered in the State, andthat copy shall be posted in a conspicuous place in each barbershop or barberschool. The Board shall have the right to make additional rules and regulationsgoverning barbers and barbershops and barber schools for the properadministration and enforcement of this section, but no such additional rules orregulations shall be in effect until those rules and regulations have beenfurnished to each barbershop within the State.
(c) Notwithstanding anyother provision of law, a registered barber may practice barbering in aclient's home out of medical necessity without meeting the requirements ofsubsection (b) of this section. The Board of Barber Examiners shall adopt rulesto allow this exception. (1929, c. 119, s. 16; 1931, c. 32; 1933, c. 95, s. 2;1941, c. 375, s. 7; 1961, c. 577, s. 3; 1979, c. 695, s. 1; 1995 (Reg. Sess.,1996), c. 605, s. 7; 2009‑471, s. 1.)