§86A‑18. Disqualifications for certificate.
The Board may either refuse toissue or to renew, or may suspend or revoke any certificate of registration orbarbershop permit or barber school permit for any one or combination of thefollowing causes:
(1) Conviction of theapplicant or certificate holder of a felony proved by certified copy of therecord of the court conviction;
(2) Gross malpractice orgross incompetence;
(3) Continued practiceby a person knowingly having an infectious or contagious disease after beingwarned in writing by the Board to cease practice;
(4) Habitual drunkennessor habitual addiction to the use of morphine, cocaine or other habit formingdrugs;
(5) The commission ofany of the offenses described in subdivisions (3), (5), and (6) of G.S. 86A‑20;
(6) The violation of anyone or more of the sanitary rules and regulations established by statute orrule or regulation of the Board, provided that the Board has previously giventwo written warnings to the individual committing the violation;
(7) The violation of therules and regulations pertaining to barber schools, provided that the Board haspreviously given two written warnings to the school. (1929,c. 119, s. 19; 1941, c. 375, s. 8; 1945, c. 830, s. 6; 1961, c. 477, s. 4;1979, c. 695, s. 1; 1981, c. 457, s. 9.)