§ 86A‑25. Feescollectible by Board.
The State Board of BarberExaminers shall charge fees not to exceed the following:
Certificateof registration or renewal as a barber ...................................................... $ 50.00
Certificateof registration or renewal as an apprentice barber .................................... 50.00
Barbershoppermit or renewal ................................................................................. 50.00
Examinationto become a registered barber ............................................................. 85.00
Examinationto become a registered apprentice barber ............................................. 85.00
Late feefor restoration of an expired barber certificate within
firstyear after expiration .................................................................................... 35.00
Late feefor restoration of an expired barber certificate after first
yearafter expiration but within five years after expiration .................................... 70.00
Late feefor restoration of an expired apprentice certificate
withinfirst year after expiration .......................................................................... 35.00
Late feefor restoration of an expired apprentice certificate after
firstyear after expiration but within three years of first
issuanceof the certificate ................................................................................... 45.00
Late feefor restoration of an expired barbershop certificate ..................................... 45.00
Examinationto become a barber school instructor ................................................... 165.00
Studentpermit ........................................................................................................ 25.00
Issuanceof any duplicate copy of a license, certificate, or permit .............................. 10.00
Barberschool permit or renewal ............................................................................. 130.00
Late feefor restoration of an expired barber school certificate .................................. 85.00
Barberschool instructor certificate or renewal ......................................................... 85.00
Late feefor restoration of an expired barber school instructor
certificatewithin first year after expiration .......................................................... 45.00
Late feefor restoration of an expired barber school instructor
certificateafter first year after expiration but within
threeyears after expiration ................................................................................ 85.00
Inspectionof newly established barbershop ............................................................. 120.00
Inspectionof newly established barber school .......................................................... 220.00
Issuanceof a registered barber or apprentice certificate
bycertification .................................................................................................. 120.00
Barbers70 years and older certificate or renewal ................................................ Nocharge
Reasonablecharges for certified copies of public documents
Reasonablecharges for duplication services and material.
(1929,c. 119, s. 14; 1937, c. 138, s. 4; 1945, c. 830, ss. 4, 8; 1951, c. 821, s. 1;1957, c. 813, s. 3; 1961, c. 577, s. 5; 1965, c. 513; 1971, c. 826, ss. 1, 2;1973, c. 1331, s. 3; c. 1398; 1979, c. 695, s. 1; 1981, c. 753; 1989 (Reg.Sess., 1990), c. 1029, s. 1; 1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 605, s. 14; 2004‑146,s. 11.)