§87‑26. Corporations; partnerships; persons doing business under tradename.
(a) A license may beissued in the name of a corporation, provided, one or more officers, or fulltime employee or employees, or both, empowered to act for the corporation, are licensedin accordance with the provisions of this Article; and provided such officersor employee or employees shall execute contracts to the extent of their licensequalifications in the name of the said corporation and exercise generalsupervision over the work done thereunder.
(b) A license may beissued in the name of a partnership provided one or more general partners, orfull time employee or employees empowered to act for the partnership, arelicensed in accordance with the provisions of this Article, and provided suchgeneral partners or employee or employees shall execute contracts to the extentof their license qualifications in the name of the said partnership, andexercise general supervision over the work done thereunder.
(c) A license may be issuedin an assumed or designated trade name, provided the owner of the businessconducted thereunder, or full time employee or employees empowered to act forthe owner, are licensed in accordance with the provisions of this Article; andsuch owner or employee or employees shall execute contracts to the extent oftheir license qualifications, in the said trade name, and exercise generalsupervision over the work done thereunder.
(d) A certificate oflicense may be issued in accordance with the provisions of this Article uponpayment of the annual license fee by such corporation, partnership, or owner ofthe business conducted under an assumed or designated trade name, as the casemay be, and the names and qualifications of individual licensee or licensees connectedtherewith shall be indicated on the aforesaid license.
(e) It shall benecessary that persons licensed in accordance with the provisions of thissection shall exercise general supervision over contracts to completion. (1931,c. 52, s. 12; 1939, c. 224, s. 8; 1957, c. 815; 1967, c. 770, s. 7.)