§ 87‑42. Duties andpowers of Board.
In order to protect the life,health and property of the public, the State Board of Examiners of ElectricalContractors shall provide for the written examination of all applicants forcertification as a qualified individual, as defined in G.S. 87‑41.1. TheBoard shall receive all applications for certification as a qualifiedindividual and all applications for licenses to be issued under this Article,shall examine all applicants to determine that each has met the requirementsfor certification and shall discharge all duties enumerated in this Article.Applicants for certification as a qualified individual must be at least 18years of age and shall be required to demonstrate to the satisfaction of theBoard their good character and adequate technical and practical knowledgeconcerning the safe and proper installation of electrical work and equipment.The examination to be given for this purpose shall include, but not be limitedto, the appropriate provisions of the National Electrical Code as incorporatedin the North Carolina State Building Code, the analysis of electrical plans andspecifications, estimating of electrical installations, and the fundamentals ofthe installation of electrical work and equipment. Certification of qualifiedindividuals shall be issued in the same classifications as provided in thisArticle for license classifications. The Board shall prescribe the standards ofknowledge, experience and proficiency to be required of qualified individuals,which may vary for the various license classifications. The Board shall issuecertifications and licenses to all applicants meeting the requirements of thisArticle and of the Board upon the receipt of the fees prescribed by G.S. 87‑44.The Board shall have power to make rules and regulations necessary to theperformance of its duties and for the effective implementation of theprovisions of this Article. The Board shall have the power to administer oathsand issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of persons and the production ofpapers and records before the Board in any hearing, investigation, orproceeding conducted by it. Members of the Board's staff or the sheriff orother appropriate official of any county of this State shall serve all notices,subpoenas, and other papers given to them by the Chairman for service in thesame manner as process issued by any court of record. Any person who neglectsor refuses to obey a subpoena issued by the Board shall be guilty of a Class 1misdemeanor. The Board shall have the power to acquire, rent, encumber,alienate, and otherwise deal with real property in the same manner as a privateperson or corporation, subject only to approval of the Governor and the Councilof State. Collateral pledged by the Board for an encumbrance is limited to theassets, income, and revenues of the Board. The Board shall keep minutes of allits proceedings and shall keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursementswhich shall be audited at the close of each fiscal year by a certified publicaccountant, and the audit report shall be filed with the State of NorthCarolina in accordance with Chapter 93B of the General Statutes. (1937, c. 87, s. 4; 1969, c.669, s. 1; 1989, c. 709, s. 3; 1993, c. 539, s. 605; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s.14(c); 2001‑159, s. 1.)