§ 87‑44. Fees; licenseterm.
The Board shall collect a feefrom each applicant before granting or renewing a license under the provisionsof this Article; the annual license fee for the limited classification shallnot exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each principal and each branchplace of business; the annual license fee for the intermediate classificationshall not exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) for each principal andeach branch place of business; the annual license fee for the unlimitedclassification shall not exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00) for eachprincipal and each branch place of business; and the annual license fee for thespecial restricted classifications and for the single‑family detachedresidential dwelling license shall not exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) foreach principal and each branch place of business.
The Board shall establish asystem for the renewal of licenses with varying expiration dates. However, alllicenses issued by the Board shall expire one year after the date of issuance.Licenses shall be renewed by the Board, subject to G.S. 87‑44.1 andG.S. 87‑47, after receipt and evaluation of a renewal applicationfrom a licensee and the payment of the required fee. The application shall beupon a form provided by the Board and shall require such information as theBoard may prescribe. Renewal applications and fees shall be due 30 days priorto the license expiration date.
Upon failure to renew by theexpiration date established by the Board, the license shall be automaticallyrevoked. This license may be reinstated by the Board, subject to G.S. 87‑44.1and G.S. 87‑47, upon payment of the license fee, an administrative fee oftwenty‑five dollars ($25.00), and all fees for the lapsed period duringwhich the person, partnership, firm or corporation engaged in electricalcontracting, and, further, upon the satisfaction of such experiencerequirements during the lapse as the Board may prescribe by rule.
The Board may collect feesfrom applicants for examinations in an amount not to exceed one hundred twenty‑fivedollars ($125.00), except the fee for a specially arranged examination shallnot exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00). In addition, the Board may collect anexamination review fee, not to exceed twenty‑five dollars ($25.00), fromfailed examinees who apply for a supervised review of their failedexaminations. (1937,c. 87, ss. 6, 7, 10; 1953, c. 1041, s. 7; 1969, c. 669, s. 1; 1973, c. 1228, s.2; 1979, c. 904, ss. 8‑10; 1985, c. 317; 1989, c. 709, s. 7; 2001‑159,s. 2.)