§87‑89. Existing installations.
No well or pump installationin existence and in use on July 6, 1967, shall be required to conform toprovisions of subsection (a) of G.S. 87‑88, or any rules or regulationsadopted pursuant thereto not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article;provided, however, that any well now or hereafter abandoned, including any welldeemed to have been abandoned, as defined in the Article, shall, within suchtime as may be specified by the Environmental Management Commission, be broughtinto compliance with the requirements of this Article and any applicable rulesor regulations with respect to abandonment of wells. It is the intention of theGeneral Assembly that if the provisions of this section are held invalid as agrant of an exclusive or separate emolument or privilege, within the meaning ofArticle I, Sec. 7 of the North Carolina Constitution, the remainder of thisArticle shall be given effect without the invalid provision or provisions. (1967,c. 1157, s. 7; 1973, c. 1262, s. 23.)