§ 87‑98.7. Issuance andrenewal of certificates; temporary certification; refusal to issue acertificate.
(a) Issuance. Anapplicant, upon satisfactorily meeting the appropriate requirements, shall becertified to perform in the capacity of a well contractor and shall be issued asuitable certificate by the Commission designating the level of the person'scompetency. A certificate shall be valid for one year or until any of thefollowing occurs:
(1) The certificateholder voluntarily surrenders the certificate to the Commission.
(2) The certificate isrevoked or suspended by the Commission for cause.
(b) Renewal. Acertificate shall be renewed annually by payment of the annual fee and proofthat the applicant has completed any professional development hours as may berequired by the rules of the Commission. A person who fails to renew acertificate within 30 days of the expiration of the certificate must reapplyfor certification under this Article.
(c) TemporaryCertification. A person may receive temporary certification to construct awell upon submission of an application to the Commission and subsequentapproval in accordance with the criteria established by the Commission and uponpayment of a temporary certification fee. A temporary certification shall begranted to the same person only once per calendar year and may not be valid fora period in excess of 45 consecutive days. To perform additional wellcontractor activity during that same calendar year, the person shall apply forcertification under this Article.
(d) Refusal to Issue aCertificate. The Commission shall not issue a certificate under any of thefollowing circumstances:
(1) The applicant hasnot paid civil penalties assessed against the applicant under G.S. 87‑94for a violation of this Article, Article 7 of this Chapter, or any rule adoptedto implement either of those Articles.
(2) The applicant hasnot conducted all restoration activities ordered by the Department related to aviolation by the applicant of Article 7 of this Chapter.
(3) As determined by theCommission, the applicant has a history of not complying with this Article,Article 7 of this Chapter, or any rule adopted to implement either of thoseArticles. (1997‑358,s. 2; 2001‑440, s. 1.2; 2007‑495, s. 2.)