§ 88B‑21. Renewals;expired licenses; inactive status.
(a) Each license tooperate a cosmetic art shop shall be renewed on or before the first day ofFebruary of each year. As provided in G.S. 88B‑20, a late fee shall becharged for licenses renewed after February 1. Any license not renewed by March1 of each year shall expire. A cosmetic art shop whose license has been expiredfor one year or less shall have the license reinstated immediately upon paymentof the reinstatement fee, the late fee, and all unpaid license fees. Thelicensee shall submit to the Board, as a part of the renewal process, a list ofall licensed cosmetologists who practice cosmetic art in the shop and shallidentify each as an employee or a booth renter.
(b) Cosmetologistlicenses shall be renewed on or before October 1 every three years beginningOctober 1, 1998. A late fee shall be charged for renewals after that date. Anylicense not renewed shall expire on October 1 of the year that renewal isrequired. The Board may develop and implement a plan for staggered licenserenewal and may prorate license fees to implement such a plan.
(c) (Effective untilJuly 1, 2010) Apprentice, esthetician, and manicurist licenses shall berenewed annually on or before October 1 of each year. A late fee shall becharged for the renewal of licenses after that date. Any license not renewedshall expire on October 1 of that year.
(c) (Effective July1, 2010) Apprentice, esthetician, natural hair care specialist, andmanicurist licenses shall be renewed annually on or before October 1 of eachyear. A late fee shall be charged for the renewal of licenses after that date.Any license not renewed shall expire on October 1 of that year.
(d) Teacher licensesshall be renewed every two years on or before October 1. A late fee shall becharged for the renewal of licenses after that date. Any license not renewedshall expire on October 1 of that year.
(e) (Effective untilJuly 1, 2010) Prior to renewal of a license, a teacher, cosmetologist,esthetician, or manicurist shall annually complete eight hours of Board‑approvedcontinuing education for each year of the licensing cycle. A cosmetologist maycomplete up to 24 hours of required continuing education at any time within thecosmetologist's three‑year licensing cycle. Licensees shall submitwritten documentation to the Board showing that they have satisfied therequirements of this subsection. A licensee who is in active practice as acosmetologist, esthetician, or manicurist, has practiced for at least 10consecutive years in that profession and is 60 years of age or older does nothave to meet the continuing education requirements of this subsection. Alicensee who is in active practice as a cosmetologist and has at least 20consecutive years of experience as a cosmetologist, does not have to meet thecontinuing education requirements of this subsection, but shall report anycontinuing education classes completed to the Board, whether the continuingeducation classes are Board‑approved or not. Promotion of products andsystems shall be allowed at continuing education given in‑house or attrade shows. Continuing education classes may also be offered in secondarylanguages as needed. No member of the Board may offer continuing educationcourses as required by this section.
(e) (Effective July1, 2010) Prior to renewal of a license, a teacher, cosmetologist,esthetician, natural hair care specialist, or manicurist shall annuallycomplete eight hours of Board‑approved continuing education for each yearof the licensing cycle. A cosmetologist may complete up to 24 hours of requiredcontinuing education at any time within the cosmetologist's three‑yearlicensing cycle. Licensees shall submit written documentation to the Boardshowing that they have satisfied the requirements of this subsection. Alicensee who is in active practice as a cosmetologist, esthetician, naturalhair care specialist, or manicurist, has practiced for at least 10 consecutiveyears in that profession, and is 60 years of age or older does not have to meetthe continuing education requirements of this subsection. A licensee who is inactive practice as a cosmetologist and has at least 20 consecutive years ofexperience as a cosmetologist, does not have to meet the continuing educationrequirements of this subsection, but shall report any continuing educationclasses completed to the Board, whether the continuing education classes areBoard‑approved or not. Promotion of products and systems shall be allowedat continuing education given in‑house or at trade shows. Continuingeducation classes may also be offered in secondary languages as needed. Nomember of the Board may offer continuing education courses as required by thissection.
(f) (Effectiveuntil July 1, 2010) If an apprentice, cosmetologist, esthetician,manicurist, or teacher fails to renew his or her license within five yearsfollowing the expiration date, the licensee shall be required to pass anexamination as prescribed by the Board before the license will be reinstated.
(f) (Effective July1, 2010) If an apprentice, cosmetologist, esthetician, manicurist, naturalhair care specialist, or teacher fails to renew his or her license within fiveyears following the expiration date, the licensee shall be required to pass anexamination as prescribed by the Board before the license will be reinstated.
(g) Cosmetic art schoollicenses shall be renewed on or before October 1 of each year. A late fee shallbe charged for licenses renewed after that date. Any license not renewed byNovember 1 of that year shall expire. A cosmetic art school whose license hasbeen expired for one year or less shall have its license reinstated uponpayment of the reinstatement fee, the late fee, and all unpaid license fees.
(h) Upon request by alicensee for inactive status, the Board may place the licensee's name on theinactive list so long as the licensee is in good standing with the Board. Aninactive licensee is not required to complete continuing educationrequirements. An inactive licensee shall not practice cosmetic art forconsideration. However, the inactive licensee may continue to purchase suppliesas accorded an active licensee. When the inactive licensee desires to beremoved from the inactive list and return to active practice, the inactivelicensee shall notify the Board of his or her desire to return to active statusand pay the required fee as determined by the Board. As a condition ofreturning to active status, the Board may require the licensee to completeeight to 24 hours of continuing education pursuant to subsection (e) of thissection. (1933,c. 179, ss. 1, 25; 1957, c. 1184, s. 4; 1973, c. 256, s. 3; c. 450, s. 3; c.1481, ss. 1, 2; 1975, c. 7; c. 857, ss. 1, 7; 1977, cc. 155, 472; 1981, c. 615,ss. 1, 2; 1983 (Reg. Sess., 1984), c. 990; 1985, c. 125; 1985, c. 559, s. 3;(Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 833; 1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 965; 1993, c. 22, s. 2;c. 54, s. 1; 1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 605, s. 15; 1998‑230, s. 2; 2004‑142,s. 1; 2006‑212, s. 6; 2007‑198, s. 1; 2009‑521, s. 9.)