§88B‑3. Creation and membership of the Board; term of office; removal forcause; officers.
(a) The North CarolinaBoard of Cosmetic Art Examiners is established. The Board shall consist of sixmembers who shall be appointed as follows:
(1) The General Assembly,upon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, shallappoint a cosmetologist.
(2) The GeneralAssembly, upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives, shall appoint a cosmetologist.
(3) The Governor shallappoint two cosmetologists, a cosmetology teacher, and a member of the publicwho is not licensed under this Chapter.
(b) Each cosmetologistmember shall have practiced all parts of cosmetic art in this State for atleast five years immediately preceding appointment to the Board and shall nothave any connection with any cosmetic art school while serving on the Board.The cosmetology teacher member shall be currently employed as a teacher by aNorth Carolina public school, community college, or other public or privatecosmetic art school and shall have practiced or taught cosmetic art for atleast five years immediately preceding appointment to the Board.
(c) Cosmetologistmembers of the Board shall serve staggered terms of three years. No Boardmember shall serve more than two consecutive terms, except that each membershall serve until a successor is appointed and qualified. All other boardmembers shall serve three‑year terms, but they shall not be staggered.
(d) The Governor mayremove any member of the Board for cause.
(e) A vacancy shall befilled in the same manner as the original appointment, except that unexpiredterms in seats appointed by the General Assembly shall be filled in accordancewith G.S. 120‑122. Appointees to fill vacancies shall serve the remainderof the unexpired term and until their successors have been duly appointed andqualified.
(f) The Board shallelect a chair, a vice‑chair, and other officers as deemed necessary bythe Board to carry out the purposes of this Chapter. All officers shall beelected annually by the Board for one‑year terms and shall serve untiltheir successors are elected and qualified.
(g) The Board shall notissue a teacher's license to any Board member during that member's term on theBoard.
(h) No Board member maybe employed by the Board for at least one year after that member's termexpires. (1933, c. 179, ss. 13, 14, 23; 1935, c. 54, ss. 2, 5;1943, c. 354, s. 1; 1957, c. 1184, s. 1; 1969, c. 844, s. 4; 1971, c. 355, s.1; c. 616, ss. 1, 2; 1973, c. 476, s. 128; c. 1360, s. 1; 1975, c. 857, ss. 2,3, 9; 1981, c. 614, s. 1; c. 615, ss. 10, 14; c. 884, s. 7; 1987, c. 211, s. 1;1989, c. 650, s. 1; 1995, c. 490, s. 13; (Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 605, s. 16;1998‑230, s. 2.)