Chapter 89A.
Landscape Architects.
§ 89A‑1. Definitions.
The following definitionsapply in this Chapter:
(1) Board. The NorthCarolina Board of Landscape Architects.
(2) Landscape architect. A person who, on the basis of demonstrated knowledge acquired by professionaleducation or practical experience, or both, has been granted, and holds acurrent certificate entitling him or her to practice "landscapearchitecture" and to use the title "landscape architect" inNorth Carolina under the authority of this Chapter.
(3) Landscapearchitecture or the practice of landscape architecture. The performance ofservices in connection with the development of land areas where, and to theextent that the dominant purpose of the services is the preservation, enhancementor determination of proper land uses, natural land features, ground cover andplanting, naturalistic and aesthetic values, the settings, approaches orenvironment for structures or other improvements, natural drainage and theconsideration and determination of inherent problems of the land relating tothe erosion, wear and tear, blight or other hazards. This practice shallinclude the preparation of plans and specifications and supervising theexecution of projects involving the arranging of land and the elements setforth in this subsection used in connection with the land for public andprivate use and enjoyment, embracing the following, all in accordance with theaccepted professional standards of public health, safety and welfare:
a. The location andorientation of buildings and other similar site elements.
b. The location,routing and design of public and private streets, residential and commercialsubdivision roads, or roads in and providing access to private or publicdevelopments. This does not include the preparation of construction plans forproposed roads classified as major thoroughfares or a higher classification.
c. The location,routing and design of private and public pathways and other travelways.
d. The preparation ofplanting plans.
e. The design ofsurface or incidental subsurface drainage systems, soil conservation anderosion control measures necessary to an overall landscape plan and sitedesign. (1969,c. 672, s. 1; 1997‑406, s. 1; 2001‑496, s. 12.1(a).)