§89A‑2. Practice of landscape architecture or use of title"landscape architect" without registration prohibited; use of seal.
(a) No person shall usethe designation "landscape architect," "landscapearchitecture," or "landscape architectural," or advertise anytitle or description tending to convey the impression that he or she is alandscape architect or shall engage in the practice of landscape architectureunless the person is registered as a landscape architect in the mannerhereinafter provided and thereafter complies with the provisions of thisChapter. Every holder of a certificate shall display it in a conspicuous placein his or her principal office, place of business or employment.
(a1) No firm,partnership, or corporation shall engage in the practice of landscapearchitecture unless the firm, partnership, or corporation registered with theBoard and has paid the fee required by G.S. 89A‑6. All landscapearchitecture performed by a firm, partnership, or corporation shall be underthe direct supervision of an individual who is registered under this Chapter.
(b) Nothing in thisChapter shall be construed (i) to authorize a landscape architect to engage inthe practice of architecture, engineering, or land surveying, (ii) to restrictfrom the practice of landscape architecture or otherwise affect the rights ofany person licensed to practice architecture under Chapter 83A, or engineeringor land surveying under Chapter 89C of the General Statutes if the person doesnot use the title landscape architect, landscape architecture, or landscapearchitectural, (iii) to restrict any person from engaging in the occupation ofgrading lands whether by hand tools or machinery, (iv) to restrict theplanting, maintaining, or marketing of plants or plant materials or thedrafting of plans or specifications related to the location of plants on asite, (v) to require a certificate for the preparation, sale, or furnishing ofplans, specifications and related data, or for the supervision of constructionpursuant thereto, where the project involved is a single family residentialsite, or a residential, institutional, or commercial site of one acre or less,or the project involved is a site of more than one acre where only planting andmulching is required, or (vi) to prevent any individual from making plans ordata for their own building site or for the supervision of constructionpursuant thereto.
(c) Each landscapearchitect shall, upon registration, obtain a seal of the design authorized bythe Board, bearing the name of the registrant, number of certificate and thelegend "N.C. Registered Landscape Architect". Such seal may be usedonly while the registrant's certificate is in full force and effect.
Nothing in this Chapter shallbe construed as authorizing the use or acceptance of the seal of a landscapearchitect instead of or as a substitute for the seal of an architect, engineer,or land surveyor. (1969, c. 672, s. 2; 1989, c. 673, s. 3; 1997‑406,s. 2.)