§89A‑5. Annual renewal of certificate.
Every registrant under thisChapter shall, on or before the first day of July in each year, obtain arenewal of a certificate for the ensuing year, by application, accompanied bythe required fee. Upon failure to renew, the certificate shall be automaticallyrevoked. The certificate may be renewed at any time within one year after itsexpiration if the applicant pays the required renewal fee and late renewalpenalty, and the Board finds that the applicant has not used his or hercertificate or title or engaged in the practice of landscape architecture afternotice of revocation and is otherwise eligible for registration under theprovisions of this Chapter. When necessary to protect the public health,safety, or welfare, the Board shall require such evidence as it deems necessaryto establish the continuing competency of licensees as a condition of licenserenewal. (1969, c. 672, s. 5; 1979, c. 872, s. 4; 1997‑406,s. 6.)