§89B‑11. Expiration and renewals; continuing education.
(a) Registrations shallexpire on the last day of June following issuance or renewal and shall becomeinvalid after that date unless renewed. The secretary of the Board shall notifyevery person registered under this Chapter, at the person's last registeredaddress, of the date of the expiration of registration and the amount of feerequired for its renewal for one year. The notices shall be mailed at least 30days prior to the expiration date of the registrations. The annual renewal feefor certificates shall be in an amount established by the Board, not to exceedfifty dollars ($50.00). The fee for issuance of replacement certificates ofregistration shall be five dollars ($5.00).
Any registration which hasexpired may be renewed by paying the registration fee plus one‑twelfth ofthe annual renewal fee per calendar month from the date of expiration. Chargesabove the renewal fee shall not exceed an amount equal to the renewal fee.
(b) The Board shallrequire registered foresters to attend continuing education courses approved bythe Board, not to exceed 12 hours per year, as a condition of renewal. (1975,c. 531, s. 11; 1989, c. 245, s. 2; 1998‑157, s. 1.)