§89B‑13. Revocations and reissuance of registration.
The Board may revoke orsuspend the certificate of registration of any registrant who it finds hascommitted gross negligence, fraud, deceit or flagrant misconduct in thepractice of forestry or has demonstrated incompetence as a practicing forester.The Board may designate a person or persons to investigate and report to itupon any charges of fraud, deceit, gross negligence, incompetency or othermisconduct by a registrant in the practice of forestry.
Any person may prefer chargesagainst a registrant. The charges shall be in writing, sworn to by the personmaking them, and filed with the secretary of the Board. The time and place fora hearing before the Board shall be fixed by the Board. At any hearing theaccused may appear in person or by counsel. The Board may reissue a certificateof registration to any person whose certificate of registration has beenrevoked or suspended. (1975, c. 531, s. 13; 1998‑157, s. 1.)