§ 89B‑2. Definitions.
As used in this Chapter:
(1) "Board"means the State Board of Registration for Foresters, provided for by thisChapter.
(2) "Forester"means a person who by reason of special knowledge and training in naturalsciences, mathematics, silviculture, forest protection, forest mensuration,forest management, forest economics, and forest utilization is qualified toengage in the practice of forestry.
(2a) "Forestry"means the professional practice embracing the science, business, and the art ofcreating, conserving, and managing forests and forestlands for the sustaineduse and enjoyment of their resources, material, or other forest produce.
(3) "Practice offorestry" means rendering professional forestry services, including butnot limited to, consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning, or otherforestry activities requiring knowledge, training, and experience in forestryprinciples and techniques.
(4) "Registeredforester" means a person who has been registered pursuant to this Chapter.
(5) "Consultingforester" means a registered forester who:
a. through c. Repealedby Session Laws 1998‑157, s.1.
d. Is competent topractice forest management, appraisal, development, marketing, protection, andutilization for the benefit of the general public on a fee, contractual, orcontingency basis;
e. Has not engaged inany practice that constitutes a conflict of interest or in any way diminisheshis ability to represent the best interests of his clients; and
f. Has filed annuallyan affidavit with the Board in accordance with G.S. 89B‑14(b).
(6) "Urbanforester" means a person who engages in the practice of forestry in anurban setting that involves municipal ownership, homesteads, parks andwoodlots, and similar urban properties. (1975, c. 531, s. 2; 1989, c.169; 1998‑157, s. 1.)