§89C‑4. State Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors;appointment; terms.
A State Board of Examiners forEngineers and Surveyors, whose duty it is to administer the provisions of thisChapter, is created. The Board shall consist of four licensed professionalengineers, three licensed professional land surveyors and two public members,who are neither professional engineers nor professional land surveyors. Of theland surveyor members, one and only one may hold dual licenses as aprofessional land surveyor and professional engineer. All of the members shallbe appointed by the Governor. Appointments of the engineer and land surveyormembers shall preferably, but not necessarily, be made from a list of nomineessubmitted by the professional societies for engineers and land surveyors inthis State. Each member of the Board shall receive a certificate of appointmentfrom the Governor and shall file with the Secretary of State a written oath oraffirmation for the faithful discharge of the duties.
Members of the Board serve forstaggered five‑year terms, and no member may be appointed for more thantwo full terms. Members serve until the expiration of their respective termsand until their respective successors are appointed. If a vacancy occurs duringa term, the Governor shall appoint a successor from the same classification asthe person causing the vacancy to serve for the remainder of the unexpiredterm. If the vacancy is not filled within 90 days after it occurs, the Boardmay appoint a provisional member to serve until the appointment by the Governorbecomes effective. The provisional member during his tenure has all the powersand duties of a regular member. (1921, c. 1, ss. 3‑6;C.S., ss. 6055(d)‑6055(g); 1951, c. 1084, s. 1; 1957, c. 1060, s. 1; 1963,c. 843; 1965, c. 940; 1975, c. 681, s. 1; 1979, c. 819, s. 1; 1998‑118,s. 3.)