§89D‑2. Definition.
A "landscapecontractor" within the meaning of this Chapter is any person, partnership,association or corporation who for compensation or valuable consideration orpromise thereof engages in the business requiring the art, experience, ability,knowledge, science and skill to install, plant, repair and maintain gardens,lawns, shrubs, vines, bushes, trees and other decorative vegetation includingthe grading and preparation of plots and areas of land for decorative treatmentand arrangement; who constructs or installs garden pools, fountains, pavilions,conservatories, hothouses and greenhouses, incidental retaining walls, fences,walks, drainage and sprinkler systems; or who engages in incidentalconstruction in connection therewith, or does any part thereof in such a mannerthat, under an agreed specification, an acceptable landscaping project can beexecuted. (1975, c. 741, s. 2.)