§ 89D‑5. Applicationfor certificate; examination; renewal.
(a) Any person,partnership, association or corporation hereinafter desiring to register and betitled as a landscape contractor shall make written application for acertificate of title to the Board on such forms as are prescribed by the Board.Each applicant for a certificate of title as a landscape contractor shall be atleast 18 years of age. Prior to July 1, 1976, each applicant for a certificateshall have been actively engaged as an untitled landscape contractor for atleast one year prior to date of application. After July 1, 1976, an applicantshall furnish evidence satisfactory to the Board of three years' experience inlandscape contracting or the completion of a study or combination of study andexperience in landscape contracting equivalent to three years' experience undera landscape contractor.
(b) Any person whoapplies to the Board to be registered and titled as a landscape contractorshall be required to take an oral or written examination to determine hisqualifications. Each application for registration by examination shall beaccompanied by an application fee of seventy‑five dollars ($75.00).
The Board shall compile amanual from which the examination will be prepared. The examination fee shallnot exceed seventy‑five dollars ($75.00). Any one failing to pass anexamination may be reexamined upon payment of the same fee as that charged topersons taking the examination for the first time, in accordance with suchrules as the Board may adopt pertaining to examinations and reexaminations.
If the results of theexamination are satisfactory, the Board shall issue the applicant a certificateauthorizing him to be titled as a landscape contractor in the State of NorthCarolina upon payment of the initial certification fee as outlined insubsection (c).
(c) All certificatesgranted and issued by the Board under the provisions of this Chapter shallexpire annually on December 31. Renewal of such certificates may be effected atany time during the month preceding the expiration date of such certificatesupon proper application to the Board accompanied by the payment to thesecretary‑treasurer of the Board of a renewal fee, as set by the Board,of not more than seventy‑five dollars ($75.00). The fee for an initialcertificate shall be the same as for a renewal certificate and is in additionto the application fee. All certificates reinstated after expiration datethereof shall be subject to a late filing fee of twenty‑five dollars($25.00). In the event a registrant fails to obtain a reinstatement of suchcertificate within 12 months from the date of expiration thereof, the Boardmay, in its discretion, consider such registrant subject to the provisions ofthis Chapter relating to the issuance of an original certificate. Duplicatecertificates may be issued by the Board upon payment of a fee not to exceedfive dollars ($5.00) by the registrant. The Board may charge a fee not toexceed thirty‑five dollars ($35.00) for issuance of a duplicate parchmentcertificate. (1975,c. 741, s. 5; 1983, c. 108, ss. 2, 3; 1991, c. 180, s. 1; 2007‑426, s.1.)