§89D‑7. Denial, revocation or suspension of certificate.
(a) The Board shallhave power to revoke or suspend certificates of title herein provided. TheBoard may upon its own motion or upon a verified complaint in writing hold ahearing as hereinafter provided to investigate the actions of any titledlandscape contractor. The Board shall have the power to suspend or revoke anycertificate of title issued under the provisions of this Chapter if theregistrant has by false or fraudulent representations obtained a certificate;if the registrant has been convicted or has entered a plea of nolo contendereto any crime involving moral turpitude in any court, State or federal; if theregistrant is found to have committed any act which constitutes improper, fraudulentor dishonest dealing; or if the registrant violates any rule or regulation dulypromulgated by the Board.
(b) Chapter 150B of theGeneral Statutes applies to proceedings under this section to deny, revoke, orsuspend a certificate. (1975, c. 741, s. 7; 1987, c. 827, s. 74.)