§89E‑13. Seals; requirements.
Each geologist licensedhereunder, upon the issuance of a license, shall obtain from the secretary at acost prescribed by the Board, a seal of the design authorized by the Boardbearing the licensee's name and the legend "Licensed Geologist State ofNorth Carolina". All drawings, reports or other geologic papers ordocuments involving geologic work as defined in this Chapter which shall havebeen prepared or approved by a licensed geologist or a subordinate employeeunder his direction for the use of or for delivery to any person or for publicrecord within this State shall be signed by him or her and impressed with thesaid seal or the seal of a nonresident practicing under the provisions of thisChapter, either of which shall indicate his or her responsibility therefor. (1983(Reg. Sess., 1984), c. 1074, s. 1.)