§89E‑14. Records.
(a) The Board shallkeep a public record of its proceedings and a register of all applications forlicensing.
(b) The register shallshow:
(1) The name, the ageand the residency of each applicant;
(2) The date ofapplication;
(3) The place ofbusiness of such applicant;
(4) His or her educationand other qualifications;
(5) Whether or not anexamination was required;
(6) Whether theapplicant was licensed;
(7) Whether a licensewas granted;
(8) The dates of theaction by the Board; and
(9) Such otherinformation as may be deemed necessary by the Board. All official records ofthe Board or affidavits by the secretary as to the content of such recordsshall be prima facie evidence of all matters required to be kept therein.
(c) The Board shalltreat as confidential and not subject to disclosure except to the extentrequired by law or by rule or regulation of the Board individual test scoresand applications and material relating thereto, including letters of referencerelating to an application. (1983 (Reg. Sess., 1984), c.1074, s. 1.)