§89E‑7. Limitations.
(a) This Chapter doesnot prohibit one or more geologists from practicing through the businessorganization of a sole proprietorship; partnership; corporation or professionalassociation. In a partnership, the primary activity of which consists ofgeological services, at least one partner shall be a licensed geologist asdefined in this Chapter. A corporation or professional association providinggeological services shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 55B of theGeneral Statutes.
(b) This Chapter shallnot be construed to prevent or to affect:
(1) The practice of anyprofession or trade for which a license is required under any other law of thisState, or the practice of registered professional engineers from lawfullypracticing soils mechanics, foundation engineering and other professionalengineering as provided in the North Carolina General Statutes, or licensedarchitects or landscape architects from lawfully practicing architecture orlandscape architecture, or the practice of soil science by professionalscertified by the Soil Science Society of North Carolina, respectively asprovided in the General Statutes;
(2) The public practiceof geology by a person not a resident of and having no established place ofbusiness in this State, when such practice does not exceed in the aggregatemore than 90 days in any calendar year, and provided such person is dulylicensed to practice such profession in another state where the requirementsfor a license are not lower than those specified in this Chapter for obtainingthe license required for such work; and provided further that such nonresidentshall file with the Board within 10 days of entering this State for commencingof such work, a statement giving his name, residence, the number of hislicense, and by what authority issued, and upon the completion of the work, astatement of the time engaged in such work within the State; or
(3) The practice of aperson not a resident and having no established place of business in thisState, or who has recently become a resident hereof, practicing or offering topractice herein for more than 90 days in any calendar year the profession ofgeology, if he is licensed in another state or qualified as defined herein, ifhe shall have filed with the Board an application for a license and shall havepaid the fee required by this Chapter. Such practice shall be deemed aprovisional practice and shall continue only for such time as the Boardrequires reasonably for the consideration of the applicant for licensing underthis Chapter as a geologist. (1983 (Reg. Sess., 1984), c.1074, s. 1; 1991, c. 205, s. 5.)