§89F‑20. Disciplinary procedures.
(a) The Board may,consistent with the provisions of Chapter 150B of the General Statues, refuseto grant or to renew, suspend, or revoke the license of any person licensedunder this Chapter who:
(1) Violates the provisionsof this Chapter or a rule adopted by the Board.
(2) Has been convictedof a misdemeanor under this Chapter.
(3) Has been convictedof a felony.
(4) Has been found bythe Board to have engaged in unprofessional conduct, dishonest practice,incompetence, fraud or deceit in obtaining a license, or who aids anotherperson who obtains or attempts to obtain a license by fraud or deceit.
(b) In lieu of revokinga license, the Board may enter a probationary order and assess a civil penaltynot to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). In determining the amount of apenalty under this section, the Board shall consider the following factors:
(1) The degree andextent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, orto private property resulting from the violation.
(2) The duration andgravity of the violation.
(3) The effect on waterquality.
(4) The cost ofrectifying the damage.
(5) The cost to theState of enforcement procedures.
(6) The prior record ofthe violator in complying or failing to comply with this Chapter or a ruleadopted pursuant to this Chapter. (1995, c. 414, s. 1.)