§89F‑5. Powers and duties of the Board.
(a) The Board shall:
(1) Administer andenforce the provisions of this Chapter.
(2) Elect from itsmembership a Chair, a Vice‑Chair, and a Secretary‑Treasurer.
(3) Examine and pass onthe qualifications of all applicants for licensing under this Chapter and issuea license to each successful applicant.
(4) Hold at least tworegular meetings each year.
(5) Establish andreceive fees as required by this Chapter. In establishing fees, the Board mayprovide for reduced fees or an exemption from fees for persons licensed underthis Chapter who practice soil science for less than 15 days per calendar year.
(6) Adopt rules thatestablish standards or approve reasonable standards for licensing and renewalof licenses of soil scientists, including adopting examination materials andaccreditation standards of any recognized accrediting agency.
(7) Establish reasonablestandards for continuing professional education for soil scientists. Noexamination shall be required for a renewal of a license.
(8) Submit two nomineesto the appropriate appointing authority for each position to be filled on theBoard.
(9) Have any otherpowers and duties as are necessary to implement the provisions of this Chapterand adopt any rules needed to implement this Chapter.
(b) The Board may adopta seal that may be affixed to all licenses issued by the Board.
(c) The Secretary‑Treasurershall deposit funds received by the Board, except for the clear proceeds ofcivil penalties assessed pursuant to G.S. 89F‑20(b), in one or more fundsin banks or other financial institutions carrying deposit insurance andauthorized to do business in the State. Interest earned on funds may remain inthe account and may be expended as authorized by the Board to carry out theprovisions of this Chapter. The Board may authorize expenditures deemednecessary to carry out the provisions of this Chapter, and all expenses shallbe paid upon the warrant of the Secretary‑Treasurer. During any fiscalyear, expenditures shall not exceed the revenues of the Board.
The clear proceeds of civilpenalties shall be remitted to the Civil Penalty and Forfeiture Fund inaccordance with G.S. 115C‑457.2.
(d) The Board mayemploy the necessary personnel for the performance of its functions and shallfix their compensation within the limits of funds available to the Board. TheBoard may procure personal property in accordance with the provisions ofArticle 3 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes.
(e) The Board may adoptrules in accordance with Chapter 150B of the General Statutes and shalladminister this Chapter in accordance with Chapter 150B of the GeneralStatutes. (1995, c. 414, s. 1; 1998‑215, s. 135.)