Chapter 89G.
Irrigation Contractors.
§ 89G‑1. Definitions.
The following definitionsapply in this Chapter:
(1) Board. The NorthCarolina Irrigation Contractors' Licensing Board.
(2) Irrigationconstruction or contracting. The act of providing services as an irrigationcontractor for compensation or other consideration.
(3) Irrigationcontractor. Any person who, for compensation or other consideration,constructs, installs, expands, services, or repairs irrigation systems.
(4) Irrigation system. All piping, fittings, sprinklers, drip tubing, valves, control wiring of 30volts or less, and associated components installed for the delivery andapplication of water for the purpose of irrigation that are downstream of awell, pond or other surface water, potable water or groundwater source, or greywater source and downstream of a backflow prevention assembly. Surface water,potable water or groundwater sources, water taps, utility piping, water servicelines, water meters, backflow prevention assemblies, stormwater systems thatservice only the interior of a structure, and sanitary drainage systems are notpart of an irrigation system.
(5) Person. Anindividual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, or other legal entity. (2008‑177,s. 1.)