§ 89G‑10. Expenses andfees.
(a) The Board mayimpose the following fees not to exceed the amounts listed below:
(1) Applicationfee $100.00
(2) Examinationfee 200.00
(3) Licenserenewal 100.00
(4) Laterenewal fee 50.00
(5) Licenseby reciprocity 250.00
(6) Corporatelicense 100.00
(7) Duplicatelicense 25.00.
(b) When the Board usesa testing service for the preparation, administration, or grading ofexaminations, the Board may charge the applicant the actual cost of theexamination services.
(c) The Board mustannually review the fees set out in this section to determine whether thesefees reflect the actual cost of administering this act and seek legislativechanges to the fees if necessary. (2008‑177, ss. 1, 5.)