§ 89G‑3. Exemptions.
The provisions in this Chaptershall not apply to:
(1) Any federal or Stateagency or any political subdivision performing irrigation construction orcontracting work on public property.
(2) Any property ownerwho performs irrigation construction or contracting work on his or her ownproperty.
(3) A landscapearchitect registered under Chapter 89A of the General Statutes.
(4) A professionalengineer licensed under Chapter 89C of the General Statutes.
(5) Any irrigationconstruction or contracting work where the price of all contracts for labor,material, and other items for a given jobsite is less than two thousand fivehundred dollars ($2,500).
(6) Any personperforming irrigation construction or contracting work for temporary irrigationto establish vegetative cover for erosion control.
(7) Any personperforming irrigation construction or contracting work to control dust oncommercial construction sites or mining operations.
(8) Any personperforming irrigation construction or contracting work for use in agriculturalproduction, farming, or ranching, including land application of animalwastewater.
(9) Any personperforming irrigation construction or contracting work for use in commercialsod production.
(10) Any person performingirrigation construction or contracting work for use in the commercialproduction of horticultural crops, including nursery and greenhouse operators.
(11) A general contractorlicensed under Article 1 of Chapter 87 of the General Statutes.
(12) A wastewater contractorcertified under Article 5 of Chapter 90A of the General Statutes who performsonly the construction of or repair to a wastewater dispersal system.
(13) A public utilitycontractor licensed under Article 1 of Chapter 87 of the General Statutes.
(14) A plumbing contractorlicensed under Article 2 of Chapter 87 of the General Statutes who performsonly the following work: installation, repairs, or maintenance of water mains,water taps, service lines, water meters, or backflow prevention assemblies supplyingwater for irrigation systems; or repairs to an irrigation system.
(15) Any person performingirrigation construction or contracting work for a golf course.
(16) (See editor's notefor applicability) Any person maintaining or repairing an irrigation systemowned by the homeowners association of a planned community and located withinthe planned community's common elements as defined in G.S. 47F‑1‑103. (2008‑177,s. 1.)