§ 89G‑5. Powers andduties.
The Board shall have thefollowing powers and duties:
(1) To administer andenforce the provisions of this Chapter.
(2) To adopt, amend, orrepeal rules to carry out the provisions of this Chapter.
(3) To examine anddetermine the qualifications and fitness of applicants for licensure andlicensure renewal.
(4) To issue, renew,deny, restrict, suspend, or revoke licenses.
(5) To reprimand orotherwise discipline licensees under this Chapter.
(6) To receive andinvestigate complaints from members of the public.
(7) To conductinvestigations to determine whether violations of this Chapter exist orconstitute grounds for disciplinary action against licensees under thisChapter.
(8) To conductadministrative hearings in accordance with Chapter 150B of the General Statues.
(9) To seek injunctiverelief through any court of competent jurisdiction for violations of thisChapter.
(10) To collect feesrequired by G.S. 89G‑10 and other monies permitted by law to be paid tothe Board.
(11) To require licenseesto file and maintain an adequate surety bond.
(12) To establish andapprove continuing educational requirements for persons licensed under thisChapter.
(13) To employ a secretary‑treasurerand any other clerical personnel the Board deems necessary to carry out theprovisions of this Chapter and to fix compensation for employees.
(14) To maintain a recordof all proceedings conducted by the Board and make available to licensees andother concerned parties an annual report of all Board actions.
(15) To adopt and publisha code of professional conduct and practice for all persons licensed under thisChapter. The code shall establish minimum standards for water conservation inthe practice of irrigation construction and contracting.
(16) To publish a list ofirrigation best management practices to be followed by licensed irrigationcontractors.
(17) To adopt a sealcontaining the name of the Board for use on licenses and official reportsissued by the Board. (2008‑177, s. 1.)