§ 90‑106. Prescriptionsand labeling.
(a) Except whendispensed directly by a practitioner, other than a pharmacist, to an ultimateuser, no controlled substance included in Schedule II of this Article may bedispensed without the written prescription of a practitioner.
(b) In emergencysituations, as defined by rule of the Commission, Schedule II drugs may bedispensed upon oral prescription of a practitioner, reduced promptly to writingand filed by the dispensing agent. Prescriptions shall be retained inconformity with the requirements of G.S. 90‑104. No prescription for aSchedule II substance may be refilled.
(c) Except whendispensed directly by a practitioner, other than a pharmacist, to an ultimateuser, no controlled substance included in Schedules III or IV, exceptparegoric, U.S.P., as provided in G.S. 90‑91(e)1, may be dispensedwithout a prescription, and oral prescriptions shall be promptly reduced towriting and filed with the dispensing agent. Such prescription may not befilled or refilled more than six months after the date thereof or be refilledmore than five times after the date of the prescription.
(d) No controlledsubstance included in Schedule V of this Article or paregoric, U.S.P., may bedistributed or dispensed other than for a medical purpose.
(e) No controlledsubstance included in Schedule VI of this Article may be distributed ordispensed other than for scientific or research purposes by persons registeredunder, or permitted by, this Article to engage in scientific or researchprojects.
(f) No controlledsubstance shall be dispensed or distributed in this State unless such substanceshall be in a container clearly labeled in accord with regulations lawfullyadopted and published by the federal government or the Commission.
(g) When a copy of aprescription for a controlled substance under this Article is given as requiredby G.S. 90‑70, such copy shall be plainly marked: "Copy forinformation only." Copies of prescriptions for controlled substances shallnot be filled or refilled.
(h) A pharmacistdispensing a controlled substance under this Article shall enter the date ofdispensing on the prescription order pursuant to which such controlledsubstance was dispensed.
(i) A manufacturer'ssales representative may distribute a controlled substance as a complimentarysample only upon the written request of a practitioner. Such request must bemade on each distribution and must contain the names and addresses of thesupplier and the requester and the name and quantity of the specific controlledsubstance requested. The manufacturer shall maintain a record of each suchrequest for a period of two years. (1971, c. 919, s. 1; 1973, c. 476, s. 128; c. 1358, s.15; 1975, c. 572; 1977, c. 667, s. 3; 1981, c. 51, s. 9; 2007‑248, s. 2.)