§ 90‑113.38. Maximums for certain fees.
(a) The fee to obtain a certificate of certification as asubstance abuse counselor, substance abuse prevention consultant, clinicalsupervisor, substance abuse residential facility director, or certifiedcriminal justice addictions professional may not exceed four hundred seventy‑fivedollars ($475.00). The fee to renew a certificate may not exceed one hundredfifty dollars ($150.00).
(b) The fee to obtain a certificate of licensure for a clinicaladdictions specialist pursuant to deemed status shall not exceed one hundredfifty dollars ($150.00). The fee to renew a license for a clinical addictionsspecialist pursuant to deemed status shall not exceed one hundred dollars($100.00). The fee to obtain a license for a clinical addictions specialistpursuant to all other procedures authorized by this Article shall not exceedfour hundred seventy‑five dollars ($475.00). The fee to renew the licenseshall not exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
(b1) The fee to obtain a registration as a registrant shall notexceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00). The fee to renew a registrationshall not exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
(c) There shall be a reexamination fee of one hundred fiftydollars ($150.00) which shall be paid for each reexamination in addition to thefees authorized pursuant to subsection (a) of this section. There shall be afee not to exceed twenty‑five dollars ($25.00) for rescheduling anyexamination.
(d) There shall be a fee not to exceed twenty‑five dollars($25.00) to obtain a written verification or additional copy of a credentialissued by the Board.
(e) There shall be a late renewal fee not to exceed one hundredtwenty‑five dollars ($125.00).
(f) In addition to any other prescribed fees, the Board shallcharge a fee not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) for eachadministration of the test an applicant must pass to be credentialed as aUnited States Department of Transportation substance abuse professional. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 685, s. 1; 1997‑492, s. 7; 1998‑217,s. 25(a); 2001‑370, s. 4; 2005‑431, s. 1.)