§ 90‑113.40. Requirements for certification and licensure.
(a) The Board shallissue a certificate certifying an applicant as a "Certified SubstanceAbuse Counselor" or as a "Certified Substance Abuse PreventionConsultant" if:
(1) The applicant is ofgood moral character.
(2) The applicant is notand has not engaged in any practice or conduct that would be grounds fordisciplinary action under G.S. 90‑113.44.
(3) The applicant isqualified for certification pursuant to the requirements of this Article andany rules adopted pursuant to it.
(4) The applicant has,at a minimum, a high school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate.
(5) The applicant hassigned a form attesting to the intention to adhere fully to the ethicalstandards adopted by the Board.
(5a) The applicant submitsto a complete criminal history record check pursuant to G.S. 90‑113.46A.
(6) The applicant hascompleted 270 hours of Board‑approved education. The Board may prescribethat a certain number of hours be in a course of study for substance abusecounseling and that a certain number of hours be in a course of study forsubstance abuse prevention consulting. Independent study hours shall notcompose more than fifty percent (50%) of the total number of hours required forinitial credentialing.
(7) The applicant hasdocumented completion of a minimum of 300 hours of Supervised PracticalTraining, has provided a Board‑approved supervision contract between theapplicant and an applicant supervisor, and has been deemed recommended by theapplicant supervisor to advance in the credentialing process.
(8) The applicant forsubstance abuse counselor has completed a total of 6,000 hours of supervisedexperience in the field, whether paid or volunteer. The applicant for substanceabuse prevention consultant has completed a total of 6,000 hours supervisedexperience in the field, whether paid or volunteer, or 4,000 hours if theapplicant has at least a bachelors degree in a human services field from aregionally accredited college or university.
(9) The applicant hasobtained a passing score on a written examination.
(b) The Board shallissue a certificate certifying an individual as a "Certified ClinicalSupervisor" if the applicant:
(1) Submits proof ofdesignation by the Board as a clinical supervisor intern.
(2) Submits proof thatthe applicant has a minimum of a master's degree in a human services field witha clinical application from a regionally accredited college or university.
(3) Has 4,000 hoursexperience as a substance abuse clinical supervisor as documented by his or hercertified clinical supervisor.
(4) Has 30 hours ofsubstance abuse clinical supervision specific education or training. Thesehours shall be reflective of the Twelve Core Functions in the applicant'sclinical application and practice and may also be counted toward theapplicant's renewal as a substance abuse counselor or a clinical addictionsspecialist.
(5) Submits a letter ofreference from a certified clinical supervisor who can attest to theapplicant's supervisory competence and two letters of reference from eithercounselors who have been supervised by the applicant or professionals who canattest to the applicant's competence.
(6) Obtains a passingscore on a written examination administered by the Board.
(b1) The Board shalldesignate an applicant as a "Clinical Supervisor Intern" if, inaddition to meeting the requirements of subdivisions (a)(1) through (5a) ofthis section, the applicant meets the following qualifications:
(1) Submits anapplication, resume, and official transcript showing that the applicant hasobtained a master's degree in a human services field with a clinicalapplication from a regionally accredited college or university.
(2) Submits verificationstatements.
(3) Submits proof ofcredentialing as a licensed clinical addictions specialist.
(4) Submitsdocumentation establishing that the applicant has completed at least fiftypercent of the required clinical supervision specific training hours as definedby the Board.
(c) The Board shallissue a license credentialing an applicant as a "Licensed ClinicalAddictions Specialist" if, in addition to meeting the requirements ofsubdivisions (a)(1) through (5a) of this section, the applicant meets one ofthe following criteria:
(1) Criteria A. The applicant:
a. Has a minimum of amaster's degree with a clinical application in a human services field from aregionally accredited college or university.
b. Has two yearspostgraduate supervised substance abuse counseling experience.
c. Submits three lettersof reference from licensed clinical addictions specialists or certifiedsubstance abuse counselors who have obtained master's degrees.
d. Has achieved apassing score on a master's level written examination administered by theBoard.
e. Has attained 180 hoursof substance abuse specific training from either a regionally accreditedcollege or university, which may include unlimited independent study, or fromtraining events of which no more than fifty percent (50%) shall be inindependent study. All hours shall be credited according to the standards setforth in G.S. 90‑113.41A.
f. The applicant hasdocumented completion of a minimum of 300 hours of supervised practicaltraining and has provided a Board‑approved supervision contract betweenthe applicant and an applicant supervisor.
(2) Criteria B. Theapplicant:
a. Has a minimum of amaster's degree with a clinical application in a human services field from aregionally accredited college or university.
b. Has been certifiedas a substance abuse counselor.
c. Repealed by SessionLaws 2008‑130, s. 4, effective July 28, 2008.
d. Has achieved apassing score on a master's level written examination administered by theBoard.
e. Submits threeletters of reference from either licensed clinical addictions specialists orcertified substance abuse counselors who have obtained master's degrees.
(3) Criteria C. Theapplicant:
a. Has a minimum of amaster's degree in a human services field with both a clinical application anda substance abuse specialty from a regionally accredited college or universitythat includes 180 hours of substance abuse specific education and trainingpursuant to G.S. 90‑113.41A.
b. Has one year ofpostgraduate supervised substance abuse counseling experience.
c. Has achieved apassing score on a master's level written examination administered by theBoard.
d. Submits threeletters of reference from licensed clinical addictions specialists or certifiedsubstance abuse counselors who have obtained master's degrees.
(4) Criteria D. Theapplicant has a substance abuse certification from a professional disciplinethat has been granted deemed status by the Board.
(d) The Board shallissue a certificate certifying an applicant as a "Substance AbuseResidential Facility Director" if the applicant:
(1) Has beencredentialed as a substance abuse counselor or a clinical addictionsspecialist.
(2) Has 50 hours ofBoard approved academic or didactic management specific training or acombination thereof. Independent study may compose up to fifty percent (50%) ofthe total number of hours required for initial credentialing.
(3) Submits letters ofreference from the applicant's current supervisor and a colleague or coworker.
(d1) The Board shallissue a certificate certifying an applicant as a "Certified CriminalJustice Addictions Professional", with the acronym "CCJP", if inaddition to meeting the requirements of subdivisions (a)(1) through (5a) ofthis section, the applicant:
(1) Has attained 270hours of Board‑approved education or training, unless the applicant hasattained a minimum of a masters degree with a clinical application and asubstance abuse specialty from a regionally accredited college or universitywhereby the applicant must only obtain 180 hours. The hours of education shallbe specifically related to the knowledge and skills necessary to perform thetasks within the International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium/Alcoholand Other Drug Abuse, Incorporated, "IC&RC/AODA, Inc.," criminaljustice addictions professional performance domains as they relate to bothadults and juveniles. Independent study may compose up to fifty percent (50%)of the total number of hours obtained for initial certification or renewal.
(2) Has documented 300hours of Board‑approved supervised practical training. This supervisionshall mean the administrative, clinical, and evaluative process of monitoring,assessing, and enhancing professional performance. A minimum of 10 hours ofsupervision in each criminal justice domain established by the IC&RC/AODA,Inc., is required.
(3) Has provideddocumentation of supervised work experience providing direct service to clientsor offenders involved in one of the three branches of the criminal justicesystem, which include law enforcement, the judiciary, and corrections. Theapplicant must meet one of the following criteria:
a. Criteria A. Inaddition to having a high school degree or GED, the applicant has a minimum of6,000 hours of documented work experience in direct services in criminaljustice or addictions services or any combination of these services that havebeen obtained during the past 10 years.
b. Criteria B. Inaddition to having an associate degree, the applicant has a minimum of 5,000hours of documented work experience in direct services in criminal justice oraddictions services or any combination of these services obtained during thepast 10 years.
c. Criteria C. Inaddition to having at least a bachelors degree, the applicant has a minimum of4,000 hours of documented work experience in direct services in criminaljustice or addictions services, or any combination of these services, and thisexperience has been obtained during the past 10 years.
d. Criteria D. Inaddition to having at least a masters degree in a human services field, theapplicant has a minimum of 2,000 hours of documented work experience in directservices in criminal justice or addictions services or any combination of theseservices that has been obtained during the past 10 years.
e. Criteria E. Inaddition to having at least a masters degree in a human services field with aspecialty from a regionally accredited college or university that includes 180hours of substance abuse specific education or training, the applicant has aminimum of 2,000 hours of postgraduate supervised substance abuse counselingexperience.
f. Criteria F. Inaddition to having obtained the credential of a certified clinical addictionsspecialist or other advanced credential in a human services field from anorganization that has obtained deemed status with the Board, the applicant hasa minimum of 1,000 hours of documented work experience in direct services incriminal justice or addictions services that has been obtained during the past10 years.
(4) Has passed theIC&RC/AODA, Inc., certified criminal justice addictions professionalwritten examination.
(e) The Board shallpublish from time to time information in order to provide specifics forpotential applicants of an acceptable educational curriculum and the terms ofacceptable supervised fieldwork experience.
(f) Effective January1, 2003, only a person who is certified as a certified clinical supervisor or aclinical supervisor intern shall be qualified to supervise applicants forcertified clinical supervisor and certified substance abuse counselor andapplicants for licensed clinical addictions specialist who meet thequalifications of their credential other than through deemed status as providedin G.S. 90‑113.40(c)(4). (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 685, s. 1; 1997‑492,s. 9; 1998‑217, s. 10; 1999‑164, s. 10; 2005‑431, s. 1; 2008‑130,s. 4.)