§ 90‑113.42. Violations; exemptions.
(a) It shall beunlawful for any person not licensed or otherwise credentialed as a substanceabuse professional pursuant to this Article to engage in those activities setforth in the scope of practice of a substance abuse professional under G.S. 90‑113.31B,unless that person is regulated by another profession or is a registrant orintern as defined by this Article.
(b) It is not theintent of this Article to regulate members of other regulated professions whoprovide substance abuse services or consultation in the normal course of thepractice of their profession.
(c) This Article doesnot apply to any person registered, certified, or licensed by the State orfederal government to practice any other occupation or profession whilerendering substance abuse services or consultation in the performance of theoccupation or profession for which the person is registered, certified, orlicensed.
(d) Only individualsregistered, certified, or licensed under this Article may use the title"Certified Substance Abuse Counselor", "Certified SubstanceAbuse Prevention Consultant", "Certified Clinical Supervisor","Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist", "Certified SubstanceAbuse Residential Facility Director", "Certified Criminal JusticeAddictions Professional", "Substance Abuse Counselor Intern","Provisional Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist", "ClinicalSupervisor Intern", or "Registrant". (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c.685, s. 1; 1997‑492, s. 12; 2005‑431, s. 1; 2008‑130, s. 5.)