§ 90‑113.73. Requirements for controlled substances reporting system.
(a) The Departmentshall establish and maintain a reporting system of prescriptions for allSchedule II through V controlled substances. Each dispenser shall submit theinformation in accordance with transmission methods and frequency establishedby rule by the Commission. The Department may issue a waiver to a dispenserthat is unable to submit prescription information by electronic means. Thewaiver may permit the dispenser to submit prescription information by paperform or other means, provided all information required of electronicallysubmitted data is submitted. The dispenser shall report the informationrequired under this section on a monthly basis for the first 12 months of the ControlledSubstances Reporting System's operation, and twice monthly thereafter, untilJanuary 2, 2010, at which time dispensers shall report no later than seven daysafter the prescription is dispensed in a format as determined annually by theDepartment based on the format used in the majority of the states operating acontrolled substances reporting system.
(b) The Commissionshall adopt rules requiring dispensers to report the following information. TheCommission may modify these requirements as necessary to carry out the purposesof this Article. The dispenser shall report:
(1) The dispenser's DEAnumber.
(2) The name of thepatient for whom the controlled substance is being dispensed, and thepatient's:
a. Full address,including city, state, and zip code,
b. Telephone number,and
c. Date of birth.
(3) The date theprescription was written.
(4) The date theprescription was filled.
(5) The prescriptionnumber.
(6) Whether theprescription is new or a refill.
(7) Metric quantity ofthe dispensed drug.
(8) Estimated days ofsupply of dispensed drug, if provided to the dispenser.
(9) National Drug Codeof dispensed drug.
(10) Prescriber's DEAnumber. (2005‑276,s. 10.36(a); 2005‑345, s. 17; 2009‑438, s. 1.)