§ 90‑123.1. Continuing education courses required.
All registered optometrists now or hereafter licensed in the State ofNorth Carolina are and shall be required to take annual courses of study insubjects relating to the practice of the profession of optometry to the endthat the utilization and application of new techniques, scientific and clinicaladvances, and the achievements of research will assure expansive andcomprehensive care to the public. The length of study shall be prescribed bythe Board but shall not exceed 25 hours in any calendar year. Attendance mustbe at a course or courses approved by the Board. Attendance at any course orcourses of study are to be certified to the Board upon a form approved by theBoard and shall be submitted by each registered optometrist at the time hemakes application to the Board for the renewal of his license and payment ofhis renewal fee. The Board is authorized to use up to one half of its annualrenewal fees for the purposes of contracting with institutions of higherlearning, professional organizations, or qualified individuals for theproviding of educational programs that meet this requirement. The Board isfurther authorized to treat funds set aside for the purpose of continuingeducation as State funds for the purpose of accepting any funds made availableunder federal law on a matching basis for the promulgation and maintenance ofprograms of continuing education. In no instance may the Board require agreater number of hours of study than are available at approved courses heldwithin the State, and shall be allowed to waive this requirement in cases ofcertified illness or undue hardship. (1969, c. 354; 1981, c. 811, s. 3.)